WordPress Tutorials

Create a WordPress Website – The Ultimate Guide (2024)

Creating a website from scratch might seem a daunting task. Many people associate the process with numerous technical terms and a lot of coding. This was indeed the case in the recent past….

How to Edit Footer Widgets in WordPress

Editing your footer widgets can make your website more practical and user-friendly and increase user engagement and conversion rates. In the following paragraphs, you will read how to access the...

How to Backup Your WordPress Site

To backup your website means to make a full copy of your site’s content, data, and settings as they were at a specific point in time. The idea is that you can replace your current site with the...

How To Change Fonts in WordPress

Accessing and changing the font settings is a straightforward process. You can tweak your fonts either via the Theme Customization page or via a plugin. Either way, there are plenty of options for...

How to Add Logo to the WordPress Header

There is a default way of adding a logo on your site, which is available with almost all themes. Keep in mind, however, that there are WordPress themes that are created with a different approach and...

How to Find Broken Links in WordPress

there are two main ways to search for broken links on your site: Manually, by clicking on each and every link on your pages By using a WordPress plugin   How to Find Broken Links in WordPress...

How to Use Anchor Texts in WordPress

Anchor texts, or simply anchors, are widely used linking technique that contains great engagement potential and SEO capabilities. Incorporating anchors in your site can enhance traffic, and user...

Newest WordPress Tutorials:

How to Change the WordPress Featured Image Size

As we have discussed in another article, the featured image (the thumbnail) is a very useful part of the components of your blog. It not only helps your site become more visually appealing but also helps to brand and can even increase traffic to your pages. When...

How to Create a Drop-Down Menu in WordPress

Menus are an essential part of every WordPress website. They help visitors navigate through your content and easily browse different sections. When building a new site, creating menus will be one of the main tasks you should deal with. This is why it is important to...

How to Fix WordPress HTTP Error 500

When you learn the basics of WordPress and how to build a website, you will eventually encounter various technical errors. For example, you can stumble upon 404 Page Not Found and 503 Server Unavailable, or even something more frightening like There Has Been a...

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