Hosting Encyclopedia

Second Level Domain (SLD)

The Second Level Domain or SLD is essential to the hierarchical Domain Name System. It is the second part of the full domain name after the Top Level Domain, on its left side. The Second Level...

Top-Level Domain (TLD)

The Top Level Domain name (TLD) is the last or right-most fragment of the domain name. The parts of the domain name are separated with dots and form their own hierarchy in the Domain Name...


What is IANA? Although the Internet is not really a centralized system, there are some key infrastructure elements that need to be coordinated. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is an...


What is ICANN? ICANN is an abbreviation from Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. It is the non-profit organization that’s responsible for the assignment and coordination of unique...

Domain Parking

Domain parking refers to the process of buying a domain name, but still not using it – the period before the website is uploaded or after the domain expired and the website’s been deleted and...

Domain WHOIS

WHOIS is an international database that contains information about every registered domain name. The WHOIS data is required by the ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) that...

Registrar Lock

One of the most important issues you should deal with when you launch your website is security and reliability. It’s recommended that you have different passwords for all your accounts and...

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How to Customize Your WordPress Widgets

The WordPress widgets add new layers of customization to your WordPress website and contribute to beautiful and functional design, along with improved user experience. I n this article, you will read how to customize your set of widgets. If you are new to the topic,...

How to Use the WordPress Widgets on Your Site

WordPress offers pre-built sets of widgets especially designed to complement each individual WordPress theme, and custom ones that you can always download, should your preferred theme supports them. By default, WordPress includes these pre-installed widgets: Archives...

How to Delete WordPress Plugins?

We already talked about what is a WordPress plugin, how to install one, and how to update your plugins. Now, it is time to read how to delete your plugins. Sometimes a given plugin might well not be suitable for your needs. In these cases, deleting the plugin becomes...

How to Update a WordPress Plugin?

Since we already discussed what a plugin is, and how to install and activate one, it is time to focus on how to maintain your plugins for optimal results. In the following paragraphs, you will learn how to update your WordPress plugins by using two methods: via the...

How to Install and Activate a WordPress Plugin?

WordPress plugins are the main feature that makes the platform so flexible and versatile.  By using the right set of plugins, you can greatly enhance the functionality of your website and ease many technical processes. Since we already discussed what a plugin is, it...

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